The Yilian Centre’s Occupational Survey Report February 2011 into occupational disease in China is released. The sudy on which the report is based found the most prevalent occupation diseases were pneumoconiosis (70.2%) (‘Black Lung’, caused by inhalation of coal or other industrial dust), followed by poisoning (19.1%), with men in their 30s (on average) the key sufferers, meaning they are prevented from working and supporting their families.
The Report says only 23.3% of workplaces had some protective facilities. Most employers do not inform workers of risk or provide any training in occupational health, and 46.1 per cent of respondents’ employer had never conducted occupational health checks.
According to the Ministry of Health, China has about 16 million toxic and hazardous workplaces, and about 200 million workers have been affected by harmful factors.
The Report’s key author, and Researcher at Yilian Center, Ye Mingxin, said “This Report shows almost 40% victims get no compensation.”
Government and employer efforts to prevent occupational disease must be “serious and urgent”, the Report claims.